LIMITED STOCK: Please help get Mask(s) to both our ESSENTIAL CUSTOMERS (YOU) and THE ESSENTIAL HOSPITAL WORKERS that are there for all of us. This way everyone gets covered. Maximum 1 box (20 masks) per customer please. That's 20 for you and 20 donated to the HEROES.
As you already know we have been working with many hospitals and understand how urgent it is to get masks to the frontline workers. We also understand how important it is to get masks to our unique & loyal customers, who are HEROES themselves and don't have access to Government or Agency Supplies.
You will receive your N95 mask(s), sent to your house.
We will use 100% of all the profits to help support our DONATION PROGRAM which has been unimaginably rewarding for all of us.
Masks cost a lot these days, but NOT when you consider all that you are getting and even more what you are giving. We want to help more, please buy a mask or 2 (Max 20 please) so we can send Masks, Scrubs, Aprons, Booties, Head Covers, Tyvek Shirts and many other needed PPE items.
If you don't need a mask, please consider a donation to our cause.
N95 Mask features
- NIOSH certified
- Not made with natural rubber latex
- Malleable aluminum nose wire
- Nylon/spandex elastic securement
These are Unused Masks Sold in ORIGINAL BOXES OF 20 of a size, or we have broken them down into packs of 10, 5 and we even sell them individually so that everyone can have and afford to have a mask.
Size Recommendations:
Small = Youth, Small Faced Adult (guide Under 160 lbs)
Medium/Large = Adult, Average size head. (guide Over 160 lbs.)
*if you are in the middle or can't decide we recommend Small for the average face size.
Manufacturer notes that their Surgical N95 Respirators meets Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for protection against TB and is National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) certified to have a filter efficiency level of up to 95 percent against particulate aerosols free of oil. As the front lines of filtration, these Surgical N95 Respirators are also Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared for use in the OR during surgical procedures.
USE: We are asking for you to please watch the video we have attached to this product offering, because much of the performance of this product depends on proper usage, including putting it on and proper removal, storage and possible reuse.
RUSH PROCESSING: We are waiving our RUSH processing FEE, and we are working around the clock to get these shipped. We are offering Priority shipping by USPS at very reasonable prices and quick service.
Please note, we are NOT a medical supply company and don't claim to be experts. We understand that masks are used to keep Germs in and/or out. They are certainly NOT 100% effective. Similar to a simple piece of cloth, they are very effective at keeping germs from transferring from your hands to your mouth. They are also effective to keep you in the mindset that this is a serious situation and also reminds others of the same.
We use these masks on a daily basis, and so do our families - we are very happy with the function of these masks - we are CERTAINLY not guaranteeing them for protection against Covid-19, but we are selling them in conjunction with our other products (cotton masks, design masks, flat masks, gloves, gowns, etc....) - THESE MASKS will help protect you, they might not be 100% but if they stop the transfer of any germ or virus from your hands to your mouth, they have done their jobs. There is no guarantee in this product but it is certainly one more barrier for you to use against terrible germs.
[email protected] IF YOU NEED ANY MORE DETAILS OR HAVE ANY CONCERNS OR QUESTIONS. ThIs a tough time are we are all trying our best. Be careful, Stay Alert, Don't touch your face, Keep Clean and Wash those hands.
Again if you are a HOSPITAL and need supplies PLEASE email us @ [email protected] - Thank you for all you do !!!!